
See if you can find EvilDeb

Next week, October 10-13, EvilDeb will be at the Graph Expo and Converting Expo, in Chicago. What has to be the most poorly named expo ever. Some people I work with get to go to the IfraExpo in Amsterdam. Doesn’t that sound cool? “I’m going to Ifra.” But not EvilDeb. Oh well, it is in Chicago. That’s pretty cool.
My point is, if you are in Chicago, at the same time, and want to go to an expo about converting things, see if you can spot EvilDeb!! Of course, I am not going to tell you what booth she will be at, I want you to find her based on her evil aura. It shouldn’t be hard.
You know, this is EvilD’s first trade show. I think I should encourage her to attend more, so that I can have a list of “EvilDeb Live Appearances” up here.
