
Oh my god, you guys… it was awful!

I’ve been without internet since Sunday! Yes! It was horrible and scary. Because now I desperately need to look up the rules, regulations and laws concerning my immigration to Canada. Am I immigrating or emigrating? I’m immigrating to Canada, I’m emigrating from the US. It doesn’t have to be Canada, per se, but that does seem the closets and most convenient for me. Plus, I know the language.
Or I could just stick around for the next four years and fight for my right to chose, my free speech, my right to read whatever I want, my right to marry whomever I want, my right to expect the church to keep out of the state, and just about everything else that made me happy to be American. Oy. Just thinking about it makes me tired. But… I guess we have work to do for the next four years.
