
Our minds must be conflicting because you say plague of snakes and all I hear is Easter bunny, Easter bunny, Easter bunny.

My NaNoWriMo project is going poorly. I’ve started and quit about three stories so far. I’ve got about 3700 words of crap. Give or take. But I am completely uninspired. Which lead to some random, free form typing. Which is how we got the story of Princess Pancake. In which our heroine goes off in search of a lost library book, her real parents, and breakfast. Princess Gwendolyn, who is told, by her evil eldest brother Prince Assclown, that she is adopted, and not a real princess. The whole thing is fairly surreal, because I was having such a hard time sticking to any one story. I just thought that if I let Princess Gwendolyn do whatever she wanted, I could probably make 50 thousand words. I don’t want to fail, just because I seem I can’t stick to my original idea. Which was a mystery, and something I still want to work on. Especially since I’ve learned so much about poisons. (Although, I had to quit reading about all the evil snake bites, because they were freaking me out. I’m not afraid of snakes, but if I kept reading that section, I’d probably never leave the house. Certainly never go to Africa or the Amazon. eeek.) However, poisons are pretty cool. And just so you know, everything is poisonous. Everything. So don’t eat anything, touch anything, breath in anything, or drink anything. Or let anything bite you, for god’s sake!
My word count is 4,000. I’m woefully behind. I should have at least three times that.


Man… woman… birth… death… infinity.

Last day of sabbatical. I guess I was soooo excited I couldn’t sleep. I woke up at five. I tried and tried to go back to sleep. I was even too restless to just lie there, all snuggly in my comforters. I don’t mind going back to work tomorrow. It’s probably time. I’m going to run out of money if I don’t. It’s going to be hard, tho. After a week of vacation, it’s hard enough for me to get back into the swing of things, I don’t know what three weeks off is going to do to me. After vacations, I feel sort of like someone coming out of a dark cave, into the light, for the first time in a long time. Blinking and blurry, rubbing my eyes… disoriented. Sort of like… being born. Yes, coming back from vacation is a lot like birth, leaving the soft, comforting, dark womb for the bright, sterile, chaotic hospital room. Only your head isn’t all squished into a point. Hopefully.
My estimation is that it takes one day for each week you are off, to recover and get back into the swing of things.
