
Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky…

The are installing the new sewer line. I’m pretty excited about it. Because they are professionals, and have all sorts of fancy machines, they do not have to dig a trench the entire way. Just a hole by the house, and then a gigantic hole by the curb, next to the street. Unfortunately, a lovely magnolia tree had to be sacrificed. In reality, the roots of the tree were probably the cause of the problem. We wanted to save the tree, but it was not possible.
I am a huge fan of trees. It’s one of the reasons I live here. And I hate to see a good tree die. I’m saddened.
click for larger image. that’s my stepdad next to the tree.
Rest in peace, sweet magnolia tree.


I wish I could apply style sheets to my life.

Well, after hours of messing around, I finally got my blog converted over to MovableType 3.x compliant styles and tags. And now the TypeKey link is working, so if you have one, you can log in when you make comments, and you won’t have to wait for me to approve them. Again, I think it’s a pretty safe thing to sign up for. And once you have an ID, you can use it on any MT 3.x style blog that requires one.
Since they changed so many things in the style sheet, I couldn’t make it look exactly like it did before. But it’s close enough, right? I’m not CSS expert, I’m self taught and I learn by messing around. And I’ve done plenty of that over the last few days. Now I just have to fix up the booklist page, and I can get started on Satan’s Bookclub!
What do you think the chances are of me winning NaNoWriMo this year? Outlook not good.
