
Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky…

The are installing the new sewer line. I’m pretty excited about it. Because they are professionals, and have all sorts of fancy machines, they do not have to dig a trench the entire way. Just a hole by the house, and then a gigantic hole by the curb, next to the street. Unfortunately, a lovely magnolia tree had to be sacrificed. In reality, the roots of the tree were probably the cause of the problem. We wanted to save the tree, but it was not possible.
I am a huge fan of trees. It’s one of the reasons I live here. And I hate to see a good tree die. I’m saddened.
click for larger image. that’s my stepdad next to the tree.
Rest in peace, sweet magnolia tree.


6 thoughts on “Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky…

  1. Of all the different types of trees out there, it had to be a Magnolia, didn’t it? I love Magnolia trees. That’s is such a bummer, but, it is for the greater good.
    Now I’m going to submit this, and see if it words with my new Typekey account – wheeeeeee!

  2. Robert says:

    When you get it all put back together, do not forget to gather your friends around the throne and drink to the flush goddess. Then kick everyone out and take a nice, 30 minute, hot shower.

  3. jodi says:

    you didn’t do anything wrong, romy… i have to approve you for the first time. from now on, no waiting. 🙂
    you know … i thought i’d jump right in the shower, but i didn’t. i ran a load of laundry and washed some dishes. and i flushed the toilet a few times with great abandon!
    but i’m going to take that shower in the morning, boy howdy.

  4. Robert says:

    Please, please, please…. Can you email me the source of the quote to this post? I have been thinking about it constantly and it is just right there, waiting to the be plucked out of the thin air. I just need the right tool, a push towards enlightment, a glimpse into the light of knowledge, a spark in a room filled with natural gas (whoops started down the wrong path). Thousands of thanks in gratitude!

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