
Man… woman… birth… death… infinity.

Last day of sabbatical. I guess I was soooo excited I couldn’t sleep. I woke up at five. I tried and tried to go back to sleep. I was even too restless to just lie there, all snuggly in my comforters. I don’t mind going back to work tomorrow. It’s probably time. I’m going to run out of money if I don’t. It’s going to be hard, tho. After a week of vacation, it’s hard enough for me to get back into the swing of things, I don’t know what three weeks off is going to do to me. After vacations, I feel sort of like someone coming out of a dark cave, into the light, for the first time in a long time. Blinking and blurry, rubbing my eyes… disoriented. Sort of like… being born. Yes, coming back from vacation is a lot like birth, leaving the soft, comforting, dark womb for the bright, sterile, chaotic hospital room. Only your head isn’t all squished into a point. Hopefully.
My estimation is that it takes one day for each week you are off, to recover and get back into the swing of things.


One thought on “Man… woman… birth… death… infinity.

  1. Robert says:

    If you have email at work, then you better add two days per week of vacation. Somehow with a sabbatical, everyone and their brother tends to need something from you. So you end up reading the past for items related to the past, only to find out that someone made commitments for you that are due in 2 hours (since you would be back at work on XX). Maybe you were smart and turned off your email account! I have heard of some just right clicking all new emails and sending them to the bit bucket. I personally could not do that….

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