
Well, technically speaking, the operation is brain damage, but on a par with a night of heavy drinking. Nothing you’ll miss.

A few brief updates you need to be aware of:
The sewer line will not be fixed until Saturday, we are scheduled to return to normal plumbing functions by the end of that day.
EvilDeb is working from home today. She had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon to have some novocain shot in her head. Somehow, this is supposed to help them devise a treatment plan for her neck arthritis. She has arthritis in the neck cuz she’s getting old. There’s not a lot you can do about that. So I think they shot her in the head with a bunch of novocain in order to help her not whine so much about it. Look… I don’t know why they did it, all I know is, she couldn’t eat or drink this morning before the “procedure” and they had to wheel her out in a wheelchair and “it was actually necessary.” Oh, and the drugs they gave her were “excellent,” and she’s feeling very woozy. And her neck is numb. So my theory about the whining might be correct. She certainly doesn’t seem to be complaining right now.
And, finally, in a segment we like to call “Like EvilMother, Like EvilSon,” while chatting with me this morning, EvilDeb said that Number One Son, FairlyEvilJacob, was drinking a glass of water only to see a giant spider floating in it. Apparently, he almost barfed. Which totally counts. “Almost” counts in barfing and horseshoes. I guess the giant spider dropped from the sky, into his glass of water. I don’t think he actually sipped the spider. However, I enjoyed that story. Brought back memories.


15 thoughts on “Well, technically speaking, the operation is brain damage, but on a par with a night of heavy drinking. Nothing you’ll miss.

  1. jodi says:

    well, in my opinion, you can be a ‘little bit’ pregnant. but not ‘almost’ pregnant. that would be, in reality, is ‘almost about to get laid.’

  2. jodi says:

    well, i am arachnophobic. some of my earliest memories are of the spider nightmares i had as a wee tiny jodi. even my mom remembers them. the thing, i don’t WANT to be. spiders do us a great service. we should like them.
    one day i woke up and said to myself “i don’t think i’m arachnophobic anymore!” and i went about believing that. until a HUGE FREAKING SPIDER showed up in the corner of my shower one night, and i crumpled like a little baby. sigh.

  3. i was showering once, looked up, and saw a spider in the corner. i remained calm and was very proud of myself for the surprising lack of freak-out-edness. so i kept on showering, with one eye on the spider of course, and halfway through my rinse/repeat routine the spider left the corner, crawled across the ceiling until he was directly above me, and then started rappelling down his little spider rope towards me. THAT’S when i freaked out and ran screaming and soapy from the shower.
    there are some really *evil* spiders out there!

  4. jodi says:

    sheesh, loon… you were very very brave.
    i wasn’t actually in the shower when i spotted this recent GINORMOUS spider. i was getting ready for bed. and you know there was no going to sleep knowing that was in the apartment. it could come down and crawl across my face in the middle of the night. but it was up so high, i couldn’t swat it or squish it. the second it saw me coming, it would jump for my throat. so i lysol disinfecting sprayed it. until it curled up in a ball and dropped. i didn’t feel good about it. if it had been lower, i might have been able to do the magazine/upside glass capture and release program. but not when it’s at jumping height.

  5. It takes a pretty big (and hairy) spider to freak me out, so when I was still married to the arachniphobe, I was the resident spider taker-carerer (like my new word?). I still do the job, when neccessary, for kiddos sake, but it’s a lot less frequent, than it used to be. Thank DOYC!

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