
Queer Home Alabama

Alabama, tread carefully, because I am about thisclose to asking you to leave my country. And it’s all Gerald Allen’s fault. This man is a fuckwit and a bigot, just like our President. And I would like both of them to leave the world of politics. Find another occupation, like… farming. Something where, even though they are fuckwits, they can actually contribute something useful to society.

Can someone, anyone, explain to me why we still hate and fear gay people? And by we, I mean society in general. Why would someone even consider proposing a law that would “ban the use of state funds to purchase any books or other materials that ‘promote homosexuality’,” in this new millennium? Aren’t we over this by now? It makes me want to cry. That someone would merrily go about hating people, and we just let it go. Those who wave a bible in my face as an answer can shove their bibles up their asses. And I mean that sincerely. That book is not an excuse to treat people as sick and evil, because they love someone of their own gender. And it shouldn’t be the de-facto guide to law making in our country anyway. Separation of church and state. Remember that, Gerald Allen? You, Gerald, are a moron and a bigot. You are not protecting anyone. You are promoting hate and fear, you want the US Government to tell 10% of our population that there is something wrong with them. Officially. There is nothing wrong with them, but there is something seriously wrong with you. Gerald. Take all of the righteous indignation and put it towards something useful. Like working on a cure for Breast Cancer, or AIDS, or feeding the hungry and housing the homeless. Look at former President Carter, who is a Christian, look what he did… Habitat for Humanity!! Give something positive and loving back to your state.

ggrrr… I’m just so angry. and so so so so disappointed.

ps. Gerald… Jesus thinks you’re an ass.

pps. I’m going to start promoting homosexuality on my blog.
