
Depriving the American public of my talent is letting the terrorists win.

I read the Get Fuzzy everyday, because I enjoy Bucky the cat. Today’s comic explains how you, my internet friends, could help me become a best selling novelist.

Squishy was momentarily possessed by Satan. The space bar on the keyboard quit working, soeverythingIwastypingendeduplikethis. And then, I typed the letter “L” and it would not quit typing the letter. I sat there with my hands in the air as EvilDeb and I watched the window fill up with little “L’s.” I think this is Satan’s way of getting my attention and letting me know I should get working on his bookclub.


5 thoughts on “Depriving the American public of my talent is letting the terrorists win.

  1. Nothing wrong with the “L”. It either turns right or left depending on your perspective. AND, in Chicago, it will get you were you are longing to adventure.

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