
Gil Grissom, meet EvilDeb

EvilDeb is going to get a Forensic Data Recovery certificate. She’s starting classes next month.She’ll be learning about trojans, backdoors and sniffers. I asked her what that was all about.

Me: sooo… do you get to get DNA samples, and use the violet light to look for sperm droppings?

ED: no, it’s on the COMPUTER.

Me: recovery of sperm off computers?

ED: no, more like… kiddie porn. I get to look for evidence of kiddie porn.

I should have known, she’s shown interest in these sick proclivities before.

Picture taken, obviously, by EvilDeb. Kiddies and Kitties… nekkid together. I guess it’s escalated from there.


2 thoughts on “Gil Grissom, meet EvilDeb

  1. Jodi says:

    actually, pru doesn’t really mind the water. she’s very interested in it, and plays with it whenever I am taking a bath. she’s actually hopped off the side of the tub, onto me, when I was relaxing in the bath.
    I think, in fact, right after Maggie was done with her bath, EvilDeb gave Pru a bath. [she was kittie sitting for me.]

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