
I ain’t never seen nobody from Texas I couldn’t shade.

Fee has let me know that comments are not working right now, on my blog. You get Forbidden error with a dash of 404. I’ll try to figure this out later, after I get home from work. Right now, I am going to stop and enjoy the silver lining of this predicament…. no comment spam can get through.

I, this blog, was spammed 84 times by a website promoting an online card game with the name of a particular SW state the other day. Eighty-four times! Bastards. This particular group does this about twice a week. I hope they know, Santa hates them. It’s not as bad as the sex spams. Which promote violent, nonparticipatory sex with women. Against their will. Which is upsetting to see, even if the comment is not public without authorization. it makes me angry to see it. Those particular groups aren’t just getting coal for Christmas. There is a special level of Hell waiting for them.

So, maybe you noticed, in my list of books I am reading, that I am currently reading Stitch ‘N Bitch. I am going to give knitting a try. There are two reasons. Maybe three.

  1. I want to be just like the Infamous SuperAdmin Mary, who knits like crazy.
  2. It will make me feel less guilty about the hours I am dedicating to my new addiction, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, if I am knitting while I watch tv. [that Det. Stabbler is just so hunky.]
  3. If i actually obtained any level of skill at knitting, it would be fun to make things.

Also, I know from crochet, that it can be very meditative, and a good way to think things through. So I think it would only help with the writing. Once your hands get going, your mind can wander freely.
