
Maybe I’m being unfair to the Scottish people…

but I was driving in my car an ad came on the radio for some fancy guitar concert. Night of Guitars, I believe. With guitar masters from all over the world. Including a Scottish Jazz Guitarist. And I thought to myself, ” Scottish Jazz Guitarist? That just does not compute.” Jazz….. Scottland….. kilts… bluegrass maybe, but jazz? I can’t picture someone discussing jazz with a scottish brogue. Oh well, learn something new everyday. Being part Scottish myself, I shouldn’t be doubting the vast amounts of culture and talent of my people.

Speaking of Scottish people, Louise is leaving this week. She is going home for ten days. Home being, of course, Scottland, land of adorable accents. Poor Louise will be one of many adorable accents, however. No special treatment now, should she happen to go to a book signing. Non of her Scottish friends are going to make her say “squirrel” or “fury” over and over to delight in the way she says her r’s. Unless of course they think she’s gotten an American accent, in her time here. I bet they do. I bet they all say, “Oh Louise, listen to your adorable American accent, you are so cute! Just like Mary Poppins, you are practically perfect in every way.”

I’ll miss her of course.. I’ll probably walk around the office all sad, mumbling “squiddle… squiddle… squiddle” to myself.
