
Okay, now girls… I want you to concentrate. Failure is not an option. And Bethany, if you feel the need to vomit up there… just swallow it.

I heard my first Ashley Simpson song last night. I had no idea what she sang, or why she was even famous. I just knew that she freaked out on SNL when her voice tape malfunctioned, and people booed her at the orange bowl. So, her song is in a commercial. For shampoo that makes your hair pretty when you blow it dry. Something to do with the heat. And they put her name and the song title in the corner, like it’s a little video, instead of a commercial. And you know what that song is called? “You make me want to La-La.” Wow. Stuff makes me want to la-la all the time. So I completely understand. One time, when I had the stomach flu, I la-la’d every hour, on the hour, for 22 hours straight. It sucked. So, that was my first, and hopefully last, exposure to the 2nd Simpson sister. It bothers me that I am even taking the time to write about it, however the god damn song is now stuck in my head. I was hoping this might exorcise it.

I have that Friday afternoon feeling… like I need to get in my car and go-go-GO. How unfortunate that I have so much work to do. Oh why did I ever grow up?

6:04 pm: EDITED TO ADD:

it worked. After I posted this, I no longer sang “you make me want to la la” over and over. I started singing Better than Ezra’s “Good.” A much better song.


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