
Somebody grab the bleach, she’s seen the lightening.

We join Evilded and Jodi, midway through, what started out as, an actual conversation about work related items.

Jodi: Wow… you’re right, that is bad. You should write that up.

Evildeb: I’m gonna.

Jodi: Excellent, see that you do that, Deb.

Evildeb: I’m on it, Jodi.

Jodi: Good to know.

Evildeb: I am on top of it.

Jodi: Are you all over it?

Evildeb: I am on top of it and all over it.

Jodi: Like white on rice, except for brown rice which is, obviously, brown rather than white?

Evildeb: Like lightening on that one guy who played Jesus in that one movie.

Jodi: errr… What?

Evildeb: That movie, about Jesus…

Jodi: The Mel Gibson movie?

Evildeb: Yeah. The actor that played Jesus was hit by lightening 3 times. While filming the movie.

Jodi: No way… did they not see that as a sign that God was pissed off about the script? Or the direction of his character in the film?

Evildeb: No, they thought that it meant God was happy!

Jodi: Uh-uh, sorry, that was Jesus… that was the Son, and he was saying, “Wait a minute… that’s not how it happened!!”

Evildeb: Definitely unhappy.

Jodi: “Oy… you guys… hey…. LAY OFF MY PEOPLE! Quit picking on the Jews.”

Evildeb: “Lay off my peeps.”

Jodi: “Come on… give the Jews a break already.”

Evildeb: Yeah… give the Jews a kit-kat bar.

Jodi: Deb, as a partial Jew, how do you feel about that?

Evildeb: as a half Jew? I’m totally in favor of it. I love kit-kat bars. I bet my dad does too. Except he’s diabetic.

This is a transcription of a spoken conversation, as such, it has been edited to maintain flow and because there is some stuff I don’t remember. But the gist of it is there. I author of this blog takes no responsibility for accuracy with regards to the statement “that one guy who was jesus in that one film was hit by lightening three times while filming.” I asked for no verification, nor was any provided.


4 thoughts on “Somebody grab the bleach, she’s seen the lightening.

  1. Jodi says:

    it’s been a long time since we’ve had an ¸berchat, romy. i miss them too. I can still remember chatting with Fee before she got Nebs, telling her all about having a house bunny as a pet. and i remember how everyone laughed at my voice when they first heard it. i’ve been signing on to aim and yahoo more, at night, when i am working on stuff. just in case an ¸ber hops on. But if we want to have an ¸berchat, we’re going to have to plan it. I know that Fee would like that. Both the chat and the fact that someone else planned it.
    However, the ¸berboard has been pretty active lately. So that’s good.

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