
If you subscribe to my jodiferous xml feedy rss newsy whooseywhat…

you might want to re-subscribe. The address has changed. I’ve moved the blog from jodiferous.com/blog/ to jodiferous.com. Why? cuz I’m crazy like that, and didn’t consider all the ramifications. Plus, I didn’t need that spare index opening page on jodiferous.com.
i don’t know… I’m just like that sometimes. I did set up a redirect from /blog/ to just jodiferous.com


and to top it off…

Evildeb brought in some St. Patrick’s day cupcakes. Freshly bought from the grocery store, on the way in to work. They had a pile of while frosting on them that was equal, in size, to the cupcake itself. And then shamrock sprinkles. At first, I avoided them, but then I stuck my finger in the frosting of one, it was like whipped butter, whipped cream, and sugar all in one. I could not resist. And now my tummy hurts.

I should just give up and go home, right?


I’m in pain

I think I slept with my head at a 120 degree angle or something, I’m in pain. From my head, down the right side of my neck, into my shoulder.
I’ve been wanting to post this song for a while now. It’s Ambrosia, the lead singer of Shivaree, singing "2004 – the year in Review (if you can stand the mere thought)" which she sang on Ambrosia Sings the News on Air America Radio. It’s delightful. I recently became a big fan of Shivaree, and have since purchased everything they have on iTunes. Someday soon, I’ll post the song that got me hooked on them.
