
Evildeb posts to craiglist

There is little proof to prove she did NOT post this. The evidence is fairly damming… it says that she “looks like the devil.”


ps: Today I told Evildeb that she was just a little character in my blog, for me to move about and play with at my will.

evildeb, work

The surge must have mutated your superstructures. I wonder what it did to your beast modes?

You know, I never really look at my spam email. At work, we have a filter service. Every day it sends me a report of the spam I receive. About once a week, I go in and clean it all off the server. never even look at it. For some reason, this one caught my eye today:

Subject: Hi you :),. I miss you baby please come get me..

Hey baby. So whats been going on with you? Don’t you remember me? I loved the time we spent together I thought that you did too. I thought that you wanted to do all the things to me that we had talked about. I had a site made with more of my pictures in case you forgot about me. You can talk to me with the site too whenever Im there, which i Usually am, so I hope that you do. I hope to hear from you soon baby, please dont leave me like this I cant stop thinking of you

Evildeb says she does not have have all the sexually explicit spam that I have. She does not have email from Asslee Bendover. [I kid you not. It was from Asslee Bendover]. She did read off some of the other types of email. “Hot stock tip for quick surge.” I’m not entirely sure that isn’t something equally as naughty.

More Evildeb fun, I just received the following email.

Hi team,

My PC laptop, SweetyPi was taken away by an IT professional just after lunch today.

It was my fault for allowing her to have unprotected contact with the internet. She caught a couple of nasty viruses and had to be sterilized.

In the process of examining her the IT professional also discovered that her motherboard was damaged. This was apparently a flaw inherent to her type having something to do with an oversized “buffer”. Luckily she can be cured of all her ills, but she has to stay in the lab overnight so that they can monitor her progress.

Please keep SweetyPi in your thoughts tonight. We appreciate your kind thoughts for her rapid recovery.



Something’s kinda freakish about you, you know that.

I was just looking at the pets available for adoption on petfinder.org. Specifically, cats. Coworker M-roo has wanted a cat for a long time. Last year, she bought a house. And she’s been keeping an eye out for the perfect kitty ever since. Looking at all the animals without homes makes me so sad. I need to buy a big huge house, then I can adopt all the kitties and become the crazy cat lady I am destined to be. I know we are about to hit the time of year that seasoned bunny owners dread…. Easter. Parents go out and get real bunnies to put in Easter Baskets. And then the bunnies end up at a shelter. Because it turns out that they are real animals, with real animal behavior. In the cute pictures, she seem so nice and quiet. Don’t buy anyone a bunny at Easter unless you a: know they want it and b: know that they can take care of it! That’s all I’m saying. Fee works long and hard to get abandoned bunnies adopted by good homes. I’m not sure how hard she actually works, I’d say she’s definitely dedicated to it. But she does help out people who definitely do work hard at it.

I don’t know if ya’ll noticed, but my baby brother, Josh, left me a comment. He must be getting around, because I don’t think he has a computer at home. It’s good news.

I was talking to one of the many lucky people who used to be my manager here at The Place of my Employment about who would win in a fight; me or Evildeb. I’ve always insisted that I could kick Evildeb’s ass. I still believe that is true. Ex-Manager P asked, “which one of you is freakishly strong?

Evildeb: Me! I am! I am freakishly strong!

Jodi: Just freakish, Deb… you are just plain freakish.

Evildeb: No! Ask anyone! Ask Lloyd!

Jodi: nope, don’t care anymore. [[started to explain to Ex-Manager P why the cupcakes might taste a bit like bran muffins.]

Evildeb: [Standing behind Lloyd, applying what could only be called a vulcan death grip to his shoulder] Lloyd, am I freakishly strong?

Lloyd: Yes. She is freakishly strong.

Evildeb: Ha!

Lloyd: It’s true, she’s freakishly strong. Ask anyone.

Jodi: Well, sure, comparatively, she is freakishly strong to Lloyd.

Lloyd: They always tell her she’s freakishly strong. Ask her personal trainer, ask her massage therapist. Ask her… her… crystal therapist.

Jodi, Evildeb, Ex-Manager P: Her what? Crystal therapist?

So, add “strong” to the long list of things that are freakish about Evildeb.

Photographic evidence of freakish strength. Click for larger image.

Evildeb: How many push-ups do you think a freakishly strong person would do?

Jodi: doesn’t matter, I’m only taking a picture of one.

Evildeb: Oh, in the case. [switches to one arm push up]
