
I’ll bleedin’ knock YOU out, you… mad old Irish bastard!

It may look like a simple St. Patrick’s day blog theme to you. But I’m tellin’ ya, it’s more than a way to celebrate pie piece of my heritage, it’s also a fine way to annoy Louise! [not that you have try hard to do that.] Nothing gets her Scottish dander up like St. Patrick’s Day, in America at least. Everyone asking her why she’s not wearing green and celebrating. It’s loads of fun to watch! Her face gets all pinched.

I’m doing this all for her. Plus, my sheets are still in the dryer and I can’t go to bed until they are dry.


8 thoughts on “I’ll bleedin’ knock YOU out, you… mad old Irish bastard!

  1. Jodi says:

    you cheeky monkey, I’m fixing that right now, as you comment. I always forget about the damn individual entry page.

  2. So, you have a little Irish in ya, lass, eh?
    Would you be caring for a wee bit more?

    Said with a twinkle in my 1/32nd (or so) Irish eye…
    I’m a “mutt”, sorry.

  3. Jodi says:

    i’m a bit of a mutt myself. i think that Irish is the only thing I share between both sides of my family. Irish, Scottish, Swedish and Norwegian. And some Dutch I think.
    I’m fairly certain I have french and german sprinkles on top, as well.

  4. arifa says:

    not me. i’m a thoroughbred! well, unless you count alexander the great’s men way back when, but pretty much 100% indian otherwise =)

  5. Jodi says:

    alexander the great! well there you go, if you are related to colin ferrel, you are irish as well.
    besides, don’t you mean purebred?

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