
Ick factor

At first I thought I was just being overly sensitive about my boundaries, but I checked with Fee, and she agreed with me.

Jodi : my mom sent an email inviting me to easter brunch, and she used her pet name for her husband, and his for her, in it.

Fee: ewwwwwwww

Jodi: ha! I knew it wasn’t just me!


My family is very open about things. All kinds of things. Things that normal families don’t always talk about, especially with their offspring around, no matter how old she is now. Whenever that happens, I put my hands over my ears and yell, “BAD BOUNDARIES!! BAD BOUNDARIES!!” Pet names? Blech. I don’t need be part of that, do I?

This was not unlike the other day, on the überbrain, when my arch nemesis, Liloo Multisuck, told Fee that no matter what she wore to her husband’s black tie business affair, her “smile was her best accessory.” BARF! It’s just that the pet names are “blech” with a bit of “ick” in it, and Liloo’s comment was “blech” with a twist of “oh please.” And an eye roll.

That is not to say that Fee does not have a stunning smile.


11 thoughts on “Ick factor

  1. oh man… classic example of boundary crossing last night at my parent’s house! i stopped by to pick up my mail, and while my dad was watching a commercial for Enzyte on TV (you know, the ones with that goof looking guy, “Bob”, with a big smile and the “happy Mrs. at home”) and he makes this comment: “hrmm… maybe i should try some of that…”

  2. Liloo says:

    This is what I get for not checking blogs.
    I thought I was a cold, cynical bitch but Jodes trumps me every time. Me telling Adi she looks good is not pushing boundaries. If I told Adi she had a nice rack, that would be pushing boundaries. No one wants to know my thoughts on Adi’s rack.
    However, since I know Adds does not like to wear much jewlery or make-up and seemed a bit stressy about spending money on a black-tie event I point out she already has something no one can buy. That’s supportive.
    Poor Jodi. If she hadn’t spent the first few years of her life living in a cardboard box with a family of opposums behind a gas station until her “family” took pity on her and bought her for $15 and a copy of Slim Whitman’s “Song for Cowboys” on vinyl, she might have a better understanding of human interaction.

  3. Jodi says:

    yours was not an example of bad boundaries. yours was an example of sicky poo cuteness. like i said, yours was “blech” with a bit of “oh please”
    that’s what you get for not checking blogs. i shall say anything i want about you and you won’t even know, multisuck.

  4. Liloo says:

    I stand by my theory about you living behind a gas station, Surly McGrumpypants.
    It’s not Sugar Nuts? Is it Tongue Jockey?

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