
I’m a little bit country, but I’m definitely more rock-n-roll

For all of you who mocked Neil Diamond… well… shut up! One day, I am going to post one of his songs up here, and you are going to ENJOY IT.

I used to listen to the radio all the time, as a kid. I remember having a white clock radio, that I would put next to my head to listen to, while I was not falling asleep. And it was in the Bellevue house, pre-remodel, so my room was yellow. I must have been pretty young. I would always hope to hear Donnie and Marie. But, if "Knights in White Satin" came on, I had to switch the station before the end, before the poem, because it scared the pants off of me. Sometimes, I would listen to it, just to freak myself out. It still scares me.

Breathe deep in the gathering gloom

Watch lights fade from every room

Bedsitter people look back and lament

Another day’s useless energy’s spent

Impassioned lovers wrestle as one

Lonely man cries for love and has none

New mother picks up and suckles her sun

Senior citizens wish they were young

Cold-hearted orb that rules the night

Removes the colors from our sight

Red is grey and yellow white

And we decide which is right

And which is an illusion?

Aaaaaaahhhh! Scary Anyway, less closed minded, musically, people admit that it would be fun to go to a Neil Diamond concert, because you could sing along the entire time, you could just excuse yourself to visit the restroom or get more snacks during "heartlight" and "you don’t bring me flowers." Barry Manilow too, most likely. "Oh Mandy… you came and you stayed without taking… and I sent you away Oh Mandy!"

However, I present you with something from the year 2005 instead. This is Ben Lee, from his album "Awake is the New Sleep." Which I do not yet own, but I did buy one of the songs with Pepsi cap. It’s called "Catch my Disease" and I dare you to not enjoy it and get it caught in your head all day.


7 thoughts on “I’m a little bit country, but I’m definitely more rock-n-roll

  1. You have a great song linked, but Jodi… I can’t enjoy Neil… When I think of Sweet Caroline, I see a bunch of blue haired biddies heads’ floping from side to side with the music, punctuated with the “wah-wah-wahhhhh”. Neil has a way of twisting pronunciations that… well… creep me out. “Money tocks! But it down’t sing ahn dahnce ahn IT. DOWN’T. WALTZ…” W.T.F!??!
    I’m sure you don’t care much for Depressed Mood, Joyless Division, Nude Order, or some other band people rip on too, so I guess we’ll have to disagree on this one.

  2. Jodi says:

    oh thomas, what am i going to do with you. [[that song, btw, does not fall into the acceptable time period for mr. diamond.]]
    i mostly rip on pop. boy bands, processed cheese spread music, all the girl singers who fall into the 16-26 range who sound the same. i don’t like that stuff much. and i rip on barbershop, because that’s just fun.

  3. i would love to see Neil in concert. and i wouldn’t take a break during the flowers song either. *sigh*
    a bunch of my family members (without me the big meanies) saw him in concert last year, and go on and on about how great he was. my mom might go see Barry when she’s in Vegas later this year. i’m trying to talk her into letting me tag along.
    and it’s daybreak, if you wanna believe it can be daybreak…

  4. Scot P says:

    Neil Diamond. I took endless ribbing for liking him in High School and College. However, there was something terribly Chintzy, yet appealing about his music. So in between bouts of Zepplin and Nirvana and Pearl Jam and Blue Oyster Cult and Yes and The Dead, Phish, The Beattles, 3 Doors Down and Van Halen, there is Neil. Crazy, Huh?

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