
Patient #286-JSH

Hey kids, my advice to you is, don’t get sick. I am having the worst time shaking this. I start feeling better, and then I get all sick again. I either get a fever again, or I add some new symptom. Like last night and the throwing up. Hello? I don’t throw up! Especially not when I just have a cold. Today I just feel really … weak; very lightheaded and dizzy. I went out in the car to get something to eat, it took me until 2pm to work up to it, and that turned out to be a bad idea. Not the eating part, the operating heavy machinery part. So I came home. Even when typing my fingers are tripping over each other.

Enough already! Bored now. Time for health. Chop chop! You have until tomorrow to show up.

Nap time.
