
It cures aches, pains, bunions, calluses, galloping consumption and the seven year itch.

You would think that I would be over the cough by now, wouldn’t you? It’s been 3 weeks since I first got sick. And I am still coughing. That seems wrong. Evildeb says I may have the beginning of a sinus infection. And the post nasal drip is what’s making me cough. Lloyd and MoreThanSlightlyEvilJacob get them all the time, so she knows about these things. I’m not one for going to the doctor unless I have to, but it would explain why that cold kicked my ass. And stayed so long. But I feel fine… it’s just the coughing. That’s all there is. It’s probably the Consumption. That’s what I told my mini mart gal, Happy Loud Edgar #14. She said she doubted it and she’d see me tomorrow. I told her not if I die in my sleep. She said she had every faith she would see me tomorrow. Won’t she be sorry she didn’t say a proper goodbye to me, when I am dead.

Yesterday, Tessa and Louise were hanging out in my cubical area, Louise had a mug of tea and was sitting on the exercise ball. She was making fun of Tessa for some thing and so we were all laughing. Almost in slow motion she seemed to tip over, legs and one arm flailing. BAMF! she hit the floor and her head hit the rounded edge of a desk. The thing is, we were already laughing so hard, that that just made us laugh more. Which is mean. But it was so funny. And, she did not spill a single drop of tea! She did end up with a big old bump on her head, not that I’ve touched it, I’m taking her word on it. She’s using that as an excuse for everything, and is pretty sure she’s going to die by morning of massive head trauma. While she is not a hypochondriac, she is a bit of a drama queen. Surely I would die of the Consumption before she would die of her silly Massive Head Injury. Let’s all wish her a speedy recovery from her massive head trauma. We’ll be sad when she’s dead and gone. She should at least hold out until after her birthday in August, because we have concert tickets.


Today is May 25th!

And that means it is Pru’s Birthday! Happy 3rd birthday, baby-kitty!


She looks squinty there because of the pre-flash. You can either have squinty “i’m so cool” cat eyes which are green. Or her normal big round eyes which are DEMONIC RED!!

For example… the day I brought her home. She’s only 12 weeks old here. And she’s not scared, she just has big round green eyes. [any excuse to post kitten pictures] Obviously didn’t need any flash that day.



Older kitten, saving me from my shoes. I’m actually recovering from surgery here when I took these, so I didn’t need shoes anyway.




I love her!
