50 Word Fictions

Heads up regarding 50 fiction

Hi, this week’s theme is going to take some prep, because I am opening it up to you guys to start it off. This week I thought we could do a 50 word fiction daisy chain, each post adds on to the previous post, to make one überstory. In 50 word increments.

I could start this off myself, but I thought that maybe someone else would want to write the initial 50 words… anyone up for it? Email me if you want to be the instigator of this party, and I will post the first one late Thursday night, although I will change the post time to make it look like Friday because I cheat like that.


One thought on “Heads up regarding 50 fiction

  1. Radishes. Every day, more stinking radishes. It didn’t matter that she was the pixie protectorate of produce in Pricilla Pettigrew’s prized patch, all she knew was that if she was forced to place dewdrops on any more radishes, she would magically string them together and shove them up Pricilla’s ass.

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