
Soy caliente blooded, lo controlo y veo, yo tengo una fiebre de 103


i’m not dead. fever’s gone. things are looking up. thinking of introducing some vertical into my day.

happy cinco de mayo.


11 thoughts on “Soy caliente blooded, lo controlo y veo, yo tengo una fiebre de 103

  1. william says:

    Godís Prank
    Thru the rainÖ I thumbed my nose at all the screaming children, with the music they made. All the water fell around my head. The flooding that never showed, the rain that never slowed.
    The colors that spin out of the palate, the oily gray, the white, the blue, to soak the coastline. The ocean that even now still refuses to conceal the trashing creature the of a restless soul.
    Chaotic, what is this frustration?
    Perhaps it was the memory of that summer wind, and how now it fails to warm. Like a broken oath, or a rainbow.
    The dream that escapes is not the life that is lived in the huddling, or under the eaves. The dream that is found is life in the rain.

  2. Jodi says:

    yes, thomas, your five questions are on the list of things to do. it goes:
    1. vertical
    2. pants
    3. car keys.
    4. obtain cough syrup, kleenix, orange juice and caffeine.
    5. rest
    6. answer thomas’s five questions.
    at this point, i am looking for pants.
    judy, i don’t think it was a 103, that’s a song, silly.

  3. Marie says:

    I’m happy to hear your fever is gone. I sure wish mine would go away, too. Ugh. It’s time for me to get horizontal, again.

  4. Jodi, I’m glad you’re feeling better. Yick. This is where living alone is ACTUALLY the most annoying–where you could really use someone to get Kleenex, orange juice, etc., etc., etc. for you. Then you wouldn’t have to be vertical. I’m glad you will be back for 50-word-fiction Friday, but take it easy. Unless you’re busy making sure Monkee gets sick as well. See you online tomorrow…

  5. Marie says:

    Maybe the theme for 50 word fiction friday could be “sick”. Lord knows I have plenty I could write about it, right now. *ACHOO*

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