
I just want to thank everyone..

for being such nice internet friends. I’m afraid I am going to have to say goodbye now, for I am dying of baked cheese ravioli overdose, due to my dinner at Buco di Beppo’s. I had the Divine Lemon Chicken as well, but I think it was the ravioli, on top of the chicken and salad and cheesebread, that pushed me over the edge.

I love you all!


7 thoughts on “I just want to thank everyone..

  1. Goodbye Jodi…farewell. Don’t forget to write. (P.S. can I have your mini mac?)
    What a way to go. Divine Lemon Chicken with ravioli. Heavenly sent to take you out. Some irony there somewhere.

  2. Jodi says:

    goodbye jack, i will miss you. i will not be able to write, as i will be DEAD. but perhaps i can haunt you.

  3. what no dessert? you are going to die without dessert?
    how disappointing. i shall commission the grave sculptor to write…
    here lies jodi. she died without dessert.

  4. zanie says:

    I LOVE BUCA! We always to there with a group so it’s always loud and fun and we ALWAYS leave there feeling like we’re going to hurl out guts out because we’re so S T U F F E D!!!
    My favorite places to sit are the Pope’s Table, the party room, and the table in the kitchen. You can be obnoxious in all of those places and nobody will blink an eye.
    Glad you didn’t expire as you thought…

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