
Today is May 25th!

And that means it is Pru’s Birthday! Happy 3rd birthday, baby-kitty!


She looks squinty there because of the pre-flash. You can either have squinty “i’m so cool” cat eyes which are green. Or her normal big round eyes which are DEMONIC RED!!

For example… the day I brought her home. She’s only 12 weeks old here. And she’s not scared, she just has big round green eyes. [any excuse to post kitten pictures] Obviously didn’t need any flash that day.



Older kitten, saving me from my shoes. I’m actually recovering from surgery here when I took these, so I didn’t need shoes anyway.




I love her!


10 thoughts on “Today is May 25th!

  1. Louise says:

    Does Redmond have it’s own TimeZone (a Microsoft thing maybe?), an hour ahead of North Seattle? because it’s still only May 24th here.
    But since it’s baby kitty photos I can’t really complain.

  2. Jodi says:

    for her birthday, i am giving her some of her favorite toys. Two dead AA batteries and some q-tips.
    Also, I changed her litter box this morning.

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