
Today is my Friday

That doesn’t mean we are doing 50 Word Fiction today. That will still happen on the official Friday. I took tomorrow and Tuesday off. No reason, I’m not going anywhere, just thought I’d have a LONG long weekend. What’s more, Evildeb convinced me to call the doctor, yesterday, about the Consumption from which I am suffering and they want me to come in this afternoon. I’m usually not one for going to the doctor unless I absolutely have to go. So I’m leaving early. On a gorgeous 80 degree day, I am starting my five day weekend early. Can’t get better than that, can it?

I want to tell you about Loud Happy Edgar #14. When I first moved into my apartment in Bellevue, I got my Dr Pepper from the mini mart on the corner. The morning guy’s name was Edgar. After him came Edgar, and then after him came Edgar. Were all three named Edgar, was that a requirement to work at my mini mart? I doubt it. They probably shared the name tag. So from then on, I called all the new morning people Edgar, in my mind. Unless I knew their real name. Like Sam. He was not Edgar. When I moved into the house, I had two mini mart options. Both AM/PM’s, Option A was closer and on the way to the freeway. Option B was a bit out of the way, and a tiny bit farther away. I tested them both and chose Option B. Because of Loud Happy Edgar #14.

Loud Happy Edgar #14 is Asian, I don’t know of what descent. I think Japanese. And she has a voice that is hard to describe. It is loud, very very loud, it is also somewhat shrill. English is not her first language, so there are interesting inflections in the things she says. If you have a headache, her voice is like a knife in your skull, I kid you not. If I were to type out her speech, I would need to use all caps, ala A Prayer for Owen Meany. But she is so freaking happy! And so enthusiastic and friendly. Every morning she shouts “HELL-ROOOOO!” Occasionally, her part of the conversation is just a vocalization such as ‘AAIIIYYY!” but I still know what she means. She just kills me. When Fee was in town, I took her to Option B AM/PM to see Loud Happy Edgar#14. It was mid-day and I think that her enthusiasm had waned. She was till super friendly. And super loud, she had just taken it down a notch.

Loud Happy Edgar #14 is sassy too. One day she asked me if I was a student, and I told her no, I worked for a software company. And she said, “AAIIYY! NO WONDER YOU ALWAYS DRESS LIKE THAT!”

“Like what?”

“LIKE COLLEGE STUDENT… WITH LITTLE MONEY, EH?” She said with a sassy grin.

I was wearing my Tiny’s Rent-aTire tshirt, which is black, a grey henley under it, jeans and sneakers. A perfectly lovely ensemble! Cheeky Edgar!

Loud Happy Edgar is backed up by Quiet Mumbling Happy Edgar #15, who is only understandable about 27% of the time, and Sullen Depressed Nights/Weekend Edgar #16, who reminds me of Eeyore, but angrier.


13 thoughts on “Today is my Friday

  1. Marie says:

    I, uh, I’m just sitting here in shock at the fact that you described an 80 degree day as, “gorgeous”. Is this the “works outside the house Jodi” talking? If so, what did you do with MY Jodi?!?!

  2. William says:

    Yeah, Iím Calling in sick tomorrow… this weather is too awesome to spend in doors, today I considered calling in sick from my work station, Iím sure that the management hasn’t seen me yet… but I have logged in, so it may be considered suspicious… tomorrow is another story altogether.

  3. Jodi says:

    i only said that so other people would be jealous. you know i don’t care about those things.
    actually, i like nice days. i just don’t like hot days. the house is much much cooler than the apartment due to the shade and cross breeze.
    what’s more, i am spending the evening in an air conditioned class room. so i’ll hardly notice the temp.

  4. Jodi says:

    i take it all back, when standing in the sun, it is too hot. too hot for me. you know why? because it’s EIGHTY FUCKING SEVEN degrees!!
    my house is nice and cool. so far. god bless my big tall evergreen trees for protecting me. but tomorrow is supposed to be NINETY GOD DAMN DEGREES.

  5. Jodi says:

    feel better, marie?
    hey… the doctor gave me some kind of inhaler. she said this is just this thing that is going around. she’s on her 4th week of coughing. the inhaler has given people some relief. and she gave me cough syrup with codeine to “help me get some rest at night.” but screw that, i’m taking it to work in a paper bag.

  6. Marie says:

    Is it an albuterol inhaler, or what? I need to call my doctor, tomorrow, and I’ll ask her about something like that. Anything that might help, at this point. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  7. you know, i hear the Consumption is like a wasting disease. it will take FOREVER for you to die off appropriately….kind of like paul ruebens on buffy the vampire slayer the MOVIE.
    this will give you a chance to script/practice your death scene. any ideas so far?

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