
No sims for the wicked.

Can’t play sims until I finish picking up the house. Bummer. Gotta do some dishes. and finish cleaning the bathroom and get my crap out of the family room and vacuum. Not going to worry about the office or my bedroom. Besides, in accordance with the custody agreement contained within their divorce papers, my mom is getting my Grandma on Saturday night. Stepdad gets her tonight, mom gets her tomorrow. Perhaps odd for someone to want shared custody of their ex mother-in-law, but she’s pretty sweet. You wouldn’t want to give that up.

I, of course, maintain custody of everyone at all times. They all still belong to me.

You know what? I don’t think I have anything else to say… I got nothing. Odd. Let me think… 50 word fictions is to tomorrow. It needs to contain some aspect of housework in it. Just a heads up.

Yeah, that’s about it. Since the house will be clean, I wish I could invite you all over to play board games and eat snacks! Or possibly poker. Anyone want to come over and play poker with me?


9 thoughts on “No sims for the wicked.

  1. Jodi says:

    oh, come on!! i’ll teach you both to play texas hold ’em. you’ll love it. it’s more fun than blackjack cuz there is more strategy. more bluffing and watching other people for tells.

  2. William says:

    Black jack is for 2nd graders, as a good tool to learn to add. Texas hold ’em yes, ill take your money, but i’ll be nice about it.

  3. Jodi says:

    excellent judy, i need someone there to witness that everything was fair and square when i won all of william’s money.

  4. Jodi says:

    ok, nibblet, you can have some too. which color would you like. it’s all pretty colors, as he is FOREIGN and lives to the north of me.

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