50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 13

Welcome to Lucky 13! You know, I was in one of those professional growth classes at work, where you are supposed to come up with ways you can start to fulfill your happiness and shit, and I stated that I would take baby step towards writing more fiction by doing a 50 word fiction every friday. I thought that was kinda funny. Anyway, someone from that class walked up to me yesterday and asked me if I was still writing my 50 word stories like I said I would. And I was proud to say, “Yes I am! Going on week 13 in a row!”

It’s good to have tiny goals.

Ok, in honor of all the babies being born to people I know lately, and the babies about to to be born to people I know, and the fact that I finally got my Sims to have a baby, I give you this weeks theme… ready? It’s babies. Saw that coming, didn’t you?

Day Care Employee

They all arrived in the morning at once, they all cried at once, they all pooped at once, they all wanted to eat at once, they all seemed to want to throw up on her at once, so why on earth couldn’t they all nap at once. Just once.
