50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 14

See what happens when I have a day off? I get all confused. I almost forgot it was Friday. The theme this week is in honor of DrinkJack: road trips. I’ll be back later with my story, as I only got up to use the little girls room, and now I shall go back to sleep.

No Vacation Time

She glanced at her watch, it was a 90 minute trip back to her apartment, and her roommates, and she did have work in the morning. But, she could probably take the time for one more piece of pie. Sometimes, even a little road trip away from your life helps.

Extra special musical addition to 50 word fiction Friday vol 14!!

Just because this song spoke to me this morning. It said, “hey… don’t I kind of go with the theme of the fictions today? Don’t I really sum up your feelings on road trips? Your need to run away when things get complicated?”

And I said, “yes, you do. Now shut up and get back to the tunes, I’ll post you later.”

Wedding Day by Rosie Thomas
