
Let’s make chaos out of order

Last night I got less than 3 hours of sleep, the night before I got just 3 hours. It happens, I do that sometimes. But it makes me punchy. I’m tired and I sort of think I look like someone punched me in both eyes. So I chatted up Mr. Moon and asked him for a blog subject, because I didn’t know what to write about. I was a drift in a sea of blank. The following is part of our chat, and an example of why I love Mr. Moon, and am so glad he is my friend.

Mr. Moon : i’ve been thinking about dualism a lot lately; one particular avenue of interest is man’s desire to organize and classify, which promotes a status quo philosophy, and also man’s desire for chaos, which promotes an anarchic philosophy

Jodi: that’s a lot of stuff.

Mr. Moon : but the chaos is also usually accomplished through creative endeavors

Jodi: too complicated.

Jodi: give me something simple.

Jodi:i’d have to think a lot for that one.

Mr. Moon : really? um….

Jodi: i don’t think i can manage that today.

Mr. Moon : alright….willie ames

Jodi: i was thinking i could explain women to all my male readers. they are probably curious.

Mr. Moon : i would love to have women explained

Jodi: i can do that

Jodi: does man have a desire for chaos?

Mr. Moon : yes, i believe so

Jodi: well, we need to sit down and discuss that.

Mr. Moon : too true

Jodi: then i can write about it

Jodi: cuz. i don’t see it. or i don’t know what you mean by it.

Mr. Moon : well, creativity, through artistic measures, has historically taken a non-status quo position. in fact, the art becomes celebrated by personalities that especially tend to appreciate the chaos

Mr. Moon : maybe i’m overgeneralizing

Jodi:: we need some fisher price people, some pipe cleaners, some duct tape, a half gallon of cherry kool-aid, five #2 pencils and a box of kleenix.

Jodi: then you can act out your theory for me with fisher price people

Mr. Moon :: alright, but i also need play-doh – don’t worry, i’ll supply it

Jodi: excellent

Jodi: will we need to be wearing bathing suits?

Mr. Moon : not you, but i might. because the dualism is excellently displayed with a mock synchronized swimming act

Jodi: if it’s sychronized, who are you in sync with? justin timberlake, perhaps

Mr. Moon : well, it does involve a suspension of disbelief on your part. you will have to ghost myself right next to me. don’t worry, i’ve got the glasses that allow you to do it

Jodi: you are so cool

Mr. Moon : i’ve been preparing for this very conversation

Mr. Moon :: but i had hoped that i would be presenting to the berkeley center of behaviorial sciences

Jodi: maybe i will just blog this conversation. 🙂
