
It’s just like Santa’s workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms… and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me…

Yesterday, when I was driving home from work, I felt certain that someone must have slipped some funny mushrooms in my lunch. Because everything was so beautiful. The lake was so dark blue and deep, I wanted to jump off the bridge and go swimming. I didn’t, because I would have had to stop the car, which would have blocked one of only two lanes of eastbound traffic. Also, you should know, this is a floating bridge, so it’s not like I was high up I would have killed myself. However, the current was coming towards the bridge on my side and it could have slammed me up against some concrete, splitting my head like a coconut. So, not worth it. The greens were more saturated, the sky was clear and I could see every single mountain range, clear as day. Including Mount Rainier. It was so clear, I felt I could touch it. I’m fairly certain I saw deer. Of course, they looked like the ants that an ant would have at his picnic. If they had picnics.

So, what do you think? Funny mushrooms in my lunch? or was I just looking at things through a Photoshop filter.

Tomorrow’s 50 word fiction theme is: hearts.
