50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 14

See what happens when I have a day off? I get all confused. I almost forgot it was Friday. The theme this week is in honor of DrinkJack: road trips. I’ll be back later with my story, as I only got up to use the little girls room, and now I shall go back to sleep.

No Vacation Time

She glanced at her watch, it was a 90 minute trip back to her apartment, and her roommates, and she did have work in the morning. But, she could probably take the time for one more piece of pie. Sometimes, even a little road trip away from your life helps.

Extra special musical addition to 50 word fiction Friday vol 14!!

Just because this song spoke to me this morning. It said, “hey… don’t I kind of go with the theme of the fictions today? Don’t I really sum up your feelings on road trips? Your need to run away when things get complicated?”

And I said, “yes, you do. Now shut up and get back to the tunes, I’ll post you later.”

Wedding Day by Rosie Thomas


10 thoughts on “50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 14

  1. zanie says:

    99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall. 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall, ad nauseum!!!.

  2. zanie says:

    Whines of protest issued forth from the back seat: ìStop poking me!î ìStop looking at me!î ìStop whistling!î ìStop breathing so loudly!î She wondered how long it would take them to walk home to Seattle from New Mexico if she made them get out of the car and drove away.

  3. Her raven coiffed head bobbed up and down in his lap accompanied by the distinctive noisy slurping of a sloppy wet blowjob. He rested his right hand on the back of her head and looked for traffic in the rear view mirror. He just loved road trips with his Mom.

  4. The í66 Lincoln Continental is a GORGEOUS automobile. Suicide doors, blue leather interior, platinum exterior, itís like sex on wheels. And yet none of that matters when youíre in the middle of nowhere with no cell phone service and youíre down to your last sip of Slurpee. Save me AAA!

  5. Lloyd says:

    Highway 101, somewhere in Northern California
    The thick and ropey tendrils of fog pulled themselves up the cliffside from the ocean far below. Some trick of air and motion arched the tendrils up and over the highway to form a ghostly bower that twisted and churned in the morning air.

  6. Belinda thought it was a harmless prank. It was just a cheap thrill, flashing truckers to pass time on the long highway. Now the consequences were obvious as 4 big rigs boxed her in on all sides. They took turns honking at her with horny intent.

  7. holy crap Thomas! i nearly snorted water out my nose after reading your story! 🙂
    Fleeing to the beach as per the family Three Day Weekend ritual, Dad leads the way in the RV. Me and mom follow in the car for some quality Girl Time. We stop chatting just long enough to sing If I Had A Hammer at the top of our lungs.

  8. It’s midnight. We’re all dangerously bored, craving some excitement. Rick suggests driving an hour to fetch his girlfriend. Road trip! After buying enough Taco Bell to feed a small chess team we’re cruising down the freeway, completely carefree. Then a tire blows out.
    Some excitement? We should’ve been more specific.

  9. Jodi says:

    as usual, all of you are genius. zanie, your stories took me back. way back. to the back seat, in fact. with my brother. who was always putting his smelly feet on MY side of the seat. guh.
    thomas, as usual, the last line was a killer. 🙂
    kay, and maybe this is because of our emails, but at first i thought “how is a AAA battery going to do anything for her? She’s going to need at least a AA”
    Lloyd, I just figured out it was YOU. ha! ldk? 627? hey… I know that Lloyd. Tricky. I can’t talk to you right now, I have to go to barnes and noble and buy that book you showed me.
    Christine, Belinda has herself caught up in a story that is part erotica, and a wee bit Stephen King… what with those trucks all coming in at her!
    Loon, how small is a small chess team? because a whole bunch of chess players packed in a car with bean burritos? you are LUCKY you blew a tire. 🙂

  10. Miles tick by on the digital speedometer. Time slows while the landscape morphs before my eyes. Another region, another state, another landscape. My brain melts and forms a puddle of worthless thoughts. I wander like the restless wind. Life is good with coffee, drinks, and friends. Miles tick by. Onward.

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