
He won the science fair in eighth grade by turning his mom’s vibrator into a CD player using some chicken wire and shit.

So DrinkJack and I hung out Monday and Tuesday and it rocked…. because he rocks. Any day that starts with pancakes is good, and that’s how we started the 4th of July. Then we went to my office to find my missing camera. I lost it somewhere between paying for pizza at the Moons on Friday night [I felt it in the bottom of the bag] and Saturday afternoon. I thought maybe maybe I was feeling something else in the bottom of the monkey bag, and I had left my camera at work, so we went to check. Not so. But we got all the pictures off of Jack’s camera and uploaded to his server, to make room for more. Then we went all over Seattle. Some by car, a lot by foot. And once again I was left to wonder, why do we bring everyone to Pike Place Market? It’s like a pre-req. You have out of town guests? They must go to Pike Place, or you lose your WA State Drivers License or something.

I felt it was necessary to show Jack Toys in Babeland, so we could turn on all the vibrators and giggle at the butt plugs. And that is where we saw this. [at least that looks like what we saw.] Which gave us pause. But nothing gave me more pause than this, the “fleshlight.” Which confirms my theory that men’s sex toys are creepy, unless they are using the same toys the girls do. And yes, I had to touch it to see what it felt like. Ooky. I think is a pretty good description of the “creamy cyberskin.”

By that evening, we were tired so we headed back to my office, and then across the street to Costa’s for flaming cheese and cocktails, and Jack got to see just what a light weight I am, when it comes to alcohol. I am lucky enough to work right on Lake Union, so when it got dark, we watched the big fireworks show over the lake. That’s the first time I’ve seen a big fireworks show in many many years. I didn’t know they could make smiley faces.

The next day we headed to Ocean Shores, so Jack could get his ocean on. It was overcast, and a little sprinkly. The ocean was grey, the sky was grey, but luckily the dunes are covered in nice green sea grass blowing in the wind. It was actually quite beautiful. After lunch, we rented mopeds to ride on the beach. It takes me more than a few minutes to get the hang of those things. To make sure I am not going to plant a facer in the sand. Off we went. Going down the beach, we were going a rapid 30 miles per hour, at times, with the wind. These babies had power! We meeped our mighty horns at the other moped riders as they were our peeps. Still just sprinkling a little bit. Until we turned back, to ride against the wind. Then it started raining for real.

Turns out, rain can kinda sting your face, when you are riding a moped against a fairly strong wind. We were lucky if we could get up to 20mph. At first I thought, I should take my glasses off, as I could not see through the spots. Then I found out rain can sting your eyes as well. So I put them back on. Then I stopped once more to wipe all the mascara that was running into my eyes, also stinging. Then I was ready. My right hand was numb from the sheer power of the motor, the awesome vibrations. I had to visually confirm I was gripping the handle, because I could certainly not feel it. We rode full throttle all the way back. Most people would have called the ride back unpleasant or at least uncomfortable. But you know what? It ROCKED. Sure, we were soaked to the skin. And had sand and salt all over us. But it was so much fun. You could not help but laugh. The moped guys called us troopers. This was not your sissy beach, this was a beach for the adventurous. Weaklings and pussies need not apply.

Afterwards we ran into the souvenir shop to buy dry shirts. But had to live with soggy drawers. Got caught up in some nasty traffic on the way back to Seattle. In fact, we ran into some of your more spectacular traffic all weekend long. I think everyone was showing off to Jack, so that when he got to San Francisco, he would just scoff and say “This is pussy traffic, you should see the traffic in Seattle.” But it gave me plenty of time to talk him into a stupor. Which is fun.

After dinner, I finally let go of Jack long enough for him to jump in his truck and head south. Where he immediately ran into traffic and came to a complete stop on the freeway for the 90th time in two days. And then I found my camera.


9 thoughts on “He won the science fair in eighth grade by turning his mom’s vibrator into a CD player using some chicken wire and shit.

  1. Renato Ara?jo says:

    I had a dream. I gave birth. I gave no thought to it until a girl told me she had a dream the night before that she had had in sex five times. I thought that was weird.

  2. Jodi says:

    visitors are welcome! you too can ride mopeds in the wind and rain on the beach; and i will take you on a tour of the sex shops in seattle. don’t forget the pancakes. there will need to be pancakes.

  3. Marie says:

    I guess I’ll have to come back up there, to get my moped ride. Why was that not an available option back in 2000? =) Oh well, it’s cool – we did have pancakes, and went to Archie McPhee, oh, and I got to hear you, at your cello lesson, too! I guess I got the “female friend” tour? 😉

  4. Liloo says:

    Sounds like you had a good ti….
    Hey! Wait a tick.
    Where did this “Jack” stay? In your house? Was there impropriety? Immorality? Did you subject that sweet innocent cat to evil????!?!??!
    I just totally spaced on her name. Priscilla? Padme? Prue! That’s it.

  5. Lucky! I have to do my toy shopping online so I never get to play with the on/off switches or giggle at the absurdity of the merchandise. Well, at least not until the UPS guy delivers the goods. It’s just not the same.

  6. Is it any wonder, after posting about your adventures in the sex shop, that you show up in such odd google searches? Glad to hear y’all had fun though..

  7. arifa says:

    okay – next time you are SOOO taking me moped riding after the underground tour. toys in babeland is optional since we went last time =)

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