
I have some very important news…

I’m adopting. Yes, it’s true. I am going to become a parent. TO A BAT!!! That’s right, I’ve adopted a Grey Headed Flying Fox. I can hardly wait until I get my “endearing letter” from my bat! I’m so excited. I will be sure to update you when news of my bat arrives. Surely this will be the event, or purchase, that will fill that aching, longing, empty feeling I have, right?

So all of you having babies out there… Ha! Take that! I have a BAT!!

Meanwhile, this frightens me, I took a quiz, to find out what kind of bat I would be…

If I were a bat I would be…

a Vampire Bat! Find out more

about this bat or take the quiz

to see what kind of bat you are most like.

Vampire bats live in very structured colonies and form strong social bonds. Female bats who go out to feed will share food with other females in the nursery colony by regurgitating food. They will adopt orphaned baby bats.

They are 70 to 90mm in length and their wingspan is 320 to 350mm. They weigh about 40 grams. Their fur is a dark grayish brown. slightly lighter on its belly. Vampire bats can be found from northern Mexico through Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay.

Vampire bats move well on the ground and in the air. When they forage for food, they fly about one meter above the ground. They usually feed on large birds, cattle, pigs, and horses. They rarely bite humans.

They find food through smell, sound, and echolocation. The vampire bat does not suck blood. They use their sharp teeth to make a bite and then lap up the blood that pools there with their tongue. They only need about two tablespoons of blood a day.


4 thoughts on “I have some very important news…

  1. I took the quiz and came out of it a Vampire Bat as well. I can’t complain though because that bat looks pretty snazzy, even looks like it may enjoy itself from time to time. Ok, it’s a little creepy looking, I’m just looking for something posituve.

  2. Jodi says:

    mark.. i just concentrate on the fact that they seem take care of each. i took the quiz twice, and each time i came out vampire. think of it this way, the other bats are probably afraid of us.
    lara WATCH OUT FOR THE VAMPIRE BATS!! the only “rarely” bite humans.

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