8 thoughts on “I was thinking…

  1. Jodi says:

    Well, Mark,, since you asked, I couldn’t give up Jodi or Jodiferous, really. So my friend Tessa suggested that it should be my pen name. For when I write my best selling novels. You’ve got to admit, OOH are cool initials. I should have a baby just so I can give them those initials.
    i practiced my new OOH book signing signature for about 20 minutes today. cart before the horse? perhaps. but it does take a while get fast with a sig.

  2. So if you write multiple books, you need to come up with a name that will give you the initials of AAH. The two go hand in hand, but I think you know this.

  3. You just randomly reminded me of a well known pet peeve – OOF. You know, Out Of Office. Which should be OOO. or OOOf or OuOfOf. But in no world should be it be OOF.
    Thx, I feel better now.

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