
Is this a metaphor, or she just talking about bunnies?

Rabbits seem like very timid creatures, but they get a bad rap. If self defense is broken down into two options, fight or flight, they are only provided with one real choice: flight. Not unlike other herbivores on their level of the food chain. But if that is their only defense, they are well equipped to the utilize it. They have prominent ears and noses that help them sense danger. And very strong back legs for flight, and to use as a warning system to alert other rabbits of approaching danger. If you hold a scared rabbit against you, and trap it’s back legs, it will break them trying to kick itself to freedom. And it will scratch the hell out of you, in the process.

But, if you gather the rabbits trust, it will climb all over you, capturing your smell and giving you little kisses. It will eat out of your hand and flop down next to you on the floor with a noisy, almost arrogant, laziness most people don’t know bunnies posses. And, if you gain it’s love and affection, it will let loose into a joyous bunny dance that few people even comprehend until they’ve seen it. Leaping and twisting in midair, full on bunny happiness and contentment. If you are patient enough.


9 thoughts on “Is this a metaphor, or she just talking about bunnies?

  1. And if I catch a bunny hanging around my garden, eyeing it like an all you can eat buffet, he’d better use that flight response or he’ll be dancing in bunny heaven. ~Mr, McGregor

  2. arifa says:

    bunnies! if it weren’t for jodi and the b, i wouldn’t be the proud bunny parent of nebbish and percy today. =) thank you, jodes!

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