
Need a break

A week after my Grandma has died, we’ve had another death in the family. This time on my mother’s side. And this time a suicide.

I’m going to need a little break, ok? Be back soon.


11 thoughts on “Need a break

  1. zanie says:

    Aw, Jodi. I’m sorry. You’re in my thoughts. Take care of yourself and see you when you return.
    Take Air,

  2. Marie says:

    Oh Jodi, I am so sorry. If you ever need to talk to someone whose been there, you know where to reach me, sweetie. Love you!

  3. Loss of a loved one is especially hard when it’s not their time.
    Illness comes in many forms and many guises. Mental illness robs the mind of rational thought, making decisions to end the “pain” flawed and scarred.
    For that reason alone, death by one’s own self should always be ruled as death by disease: If it was known how much pain would be passed around to the whole family, it would have never happened in the first place. The disease silenced that thinking, though.
    I’m so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences.

  4. Oh Sweetie, may I offer my condolences to you and to your family. I wish I had wiser words for you, something that would make it all be ‘better’, but I don’t. I just wanted you to know you and your family are in my thoughts and being held close to my heart during your time of grief.

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