
Then and Now: Episode Tree

I can’t say that this was ever one of my favorite breakup songs. I never even saw the movie. [But then, I never liked Journey’s “Open Arms” either, that was supposed to be the quintessential make-out song of my youth. ] I think I would have turned to Depeche Mode if my heart was breaking, back in 1984, most likely. Nonetheless, I can remember snatches of the video for it.


Against All Odds – Phil Collins 1984

Mr. Moon is actually to thank for brining this week’s Now song. I like the spookiness in the beginning of this version. Then, somewhere in the middle, it goes almost “Mary Tyler Moore theme song” on you….in a good way. And then kind of poppy and spooky again. [Hey… what do you want from me, I’m not a music reviewer] Anyway, I like it.


Against All Odds – Postal Service 2004


4 thoughts on “Then and Now: Episode Tree

  1. ABACAB do do do ABACAB
    oh, i remember those days when i really liked phil collins and genesis. a memory of playing volley-tennis at school comes with mr. phil. (we practiced to music sometimes.)
    volley-tennis is what we did when playing real volleyball was too hard for us mere mortals. you let the ball bounce once. ironically, it was an afterschool team sport. but it WAS fun!

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