
That’s right, you’re not from Texas

We join Tessa, Louise and I in mid conversation at lunch.

Jodi: Dallas maybe?

Louise: Maybe

Jodi: yup, lived there too.

Tessa: wow, you really get around

Jodi: that’s what they say about me.

Louise: So have you ever been to Lukenbach?

Jodi: Where?

Louise: Lukenbach Texas… you know, like the song.

Tessa: What song?

Louise: The song! You know.. that one song.

Tessa and Jodi: yes, of course, that ONE song.

Louise: [in a hesitant voice, sings, with no discernible melody] …Luckenbach Texas…. something.

Tessa and Jodi laugh hysterically. Because we’re fun like that.

Tessa: Do you know any other lyrics that might help us out?

Jodi: Who sings it?

Louise: I don’t know, Johnny Cash maybe? It’s confusing because there is also that place Lubbock. [pronounced as loo-BOCK.]

Jodi: loo-BOCK? You mean Lubbock? L-u-b-b-u-c-k? [pronounced as luh-buck]

Louise: I don’t know! I don’t know how it’s spelled, Waylon Jennings is from there or something?

Tessa: We are not going to be able to help you out on this one. You are going to have to google it.

Jodi: yeah, you are going to have to do some sassy detective work. Regardless, no, I have never been to Lukenbach, to the best of my knowledge.

Frankly, I’m surprised a Scottish girl new that much about country music, and musicians from Texas. Turns out, Waylon Jennings sang the song. He is not from Lukenbach. She is right, tho, he did live in Lubbock. I can barely remember the song, now that I have seen the lyrics. Some information about Lukenbach:

“Hondo Crouch, local rancher and regional folk hero bought Luckenbach in 1970 when he saw an ad in the paper “town- pop.3- for sale.” Luckenbach became this poet – sage’s stage where he held the first Women’s Only Chili Cook-off, a World’s Fair (because he proclaimed Luckenbach as the center of the Universe) & Return of the Mud Dauber Day (as do swallows in Capistrano).

After Hondo died in 1976 his music making friends penned the song “Luckenbach Texas” which was recorded by Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson in 1978. The song, now a classic, became a number one smash hit all across the nation and beyond putting Luckenbach on the map for good.”

Oh come on, you know you wanted to know! If I have a son, I am seriously considering naming him Hondo.
