
Then and Now: Episode Seven

I got something fun in the mail last week, the US mail even. It wasn’t a bill, or junk, or a catalog, or someone insisting they could me another credit card or solve my tax problems. Drink Jack sent me some cd’s of cover songs, but originals and the covers! I got music in the mail. So this week’s Then and Now is brought to you by DrinkJack, who invites you all to drink more Jack. Daniels that is. I picked this song mainly because I was in the mood to hear some Dire Straights.
Romeo and Juliet – Dire Straits 1980

And here is the cover from the Indigo Girls. About which I have nothing witty or clever to say. Except that when I was looking at their discography, to see when their version was released, I was skimming through song tittles and I thought that they had a song on their April 2005 release Prom that was entitled “Penises on a Track.” That’s odd, I thought. Turns out, it was pennies.
Romeo and Juliet – Indigo Girls 1992
