evildeb, sims, work

Jodi eats for free today.

The New Kid was moving into the cube next door to me today, so I hauled everything of mine that was left in there, over to my own desk. “Hauled” makes it sound like there was a lot. There wasn’t. I waited until the last minute because I so enjoyed the constant reminders from various people that I was getting a New Kid soon, and had to move my stuff. What? You are kidding? A New Kid? I did not know that! Sarcasm does become me, trust me.

So, when I was getting ready to leave for the day, I hear Dr. Stevil and EvilDeb talking to the New Kid about my desk. Now, even tho he is New, he is not really “new” to us. He used to work with the three of us at the vendor. Then he left, and made us cry. Now he works at my POE, but not on my product team. Anyway, I heard Evildeb say something about how they threw away all their trash and crap, when we moved to the new part of the building, but that I just brought mine along with me. Which is true. I didn’t have time to go through all that crap! I thought I would do that when I unpacked. But then, I haven’t finished unpacking yet. [April. we moved in April, in case you are wondering.] Now, Evildeb and Dr. Stevil are both freakishly neat. And Evildeb was explaining how she didn’t really need her second set of drawers, but her things “bring joy to her life.” I tried to point out that it was hypocritical to make fun of me. But that’s like comparing a tiny orange to a room full of apples running amuck. Golden Delicious, tho they may be.

“Yeah, but Jodi… JODI. Come on… Jodi.”

“Yeah. ok… but you should see the back of my car!” It’s worse than my desk.

“Not to mention your house?”

Now, I resent that remark. She has not been in my house since last fall! She has no idea what shape it is in! Besides, I don’t have time for housework, I have sims who need me to get them into private school, and teach them to cook, and to put them into situations that allow for public woo-hoo! I have to keep their houses clean, damn it!

I managed to eat entirely for free today, there was complimentary food galore at work. That’s a good day, in my book.
