50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 21

Hello and welcome to week 21. Do you think we should have a 1/2 year celebration when we reach week 26? This week’s theme is the number 3, in honor of my baby blogs birthday on Saturday. Awwww… three is such a cute age. It walks, it talks, and now we can cut back on the meds because it spends half the day in preschool! Yay!

Turn Signal

She adjusted the mirror and glanced over at her passenger.

“Don’t worry, you know what they say…”

“What’s that?”

“Third time’s the charm!”

He looked up from his clipboard.

“Unfortunately, Ms. Douglas, this is your fifth time.”

“Wanna make it an even six, old man? Buckle up!”


11 thoughts on “50 Word Fiction Friday Vol. 21

  1. Hey, there. Found your blog through Christine and that…um…interesting comment session you guys had.
    Saw your 50 Word Fiction thing and wondered if you’ve ever heard of the annual 55 Fiction contest.
    Go here.

  2. William grunted as, for the eighth time that night, yet another cock entered his ass. He still had a penis in either hand while busily sucking and being sucked. He thought about his life before as a television evangelist and realized why they always called him Reverend “Three Dollar” Bill.

  3. My first was for a strong boyfriend. Within minutes everything in my house was destroyed.
    My second was to make him sensitive. The ensuing rash was far from sexy.
    And now I donít know what to ask for my third wish. Let me think, I wish forÖ..Jesus Christ ñ oh wait!!!

  4. Banana Republic or my favorite third world country
    Howling winds and humid jungles, gentle brown faces with checks pink from windburn or sunburn, living fence posts sprouting leaves, little yellow plastic bags lining the roadside, riots, celebrations, festivals, hardships, music, tourists, mountainsÖ
    These are a few of my favorite things.

  5. Jodi says:

    Lewis: Hello! so you liked our comment conversation? christine and i have an influence on each other. the jury is still out on whether that’s a bad or good one. I’ve not heard of 55 fiction, but there are times when I’d love to have those extra 5 words. I got the idea from a website that used to take 50 word fiction submissions.
    my my, thomas, whatever has you so worked up this morning?
    kay, that made me laugh out loud. enjoy being a bride of christ!
    blair, thank god you didn’t mention raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens. ok, i do like whiskers on kittens. and i am only happy when it rains. but warm woolen mittens are annoying and wool itches. celebrations and music and howling winds, these are truly things to be grateful for.

  6. Is it wrong that I feel such confirmation when I read your comments about my “work”?
    Thanks Professor J, I see now why I’m doing so crappy at my online school (WGU) with their lack of feedback and pats.

  7. Sunday night, the house was all cleaned up. Chairs repaired, bowls glued, bedsówho needed a headboard anyway? Mom was cooking up something new for dinner, meat instead of cereal. Good hunting yesterday. Dad, out by the furnace, kept poking bones back in. Soon, we three bears began our dinner.

  8. Having made sure the coast was clear, she stole across the room with cautious step. Then something awful happened. Her new shoes squeaked against the tiled floor! Heads of coworkers quickly popped up above their cubicles.
    “Going back for a third piece of pie, eh Carol?”
    The jig was up.

  9. The weather calmed down. They nervously looked at their watches, mentally going over the facts, figures, and calculations. Surely this will work. It has to work, so they believed. The theory was strong, but the mechanics have been untested. Until today. Trinity came to life at 5:29:45. A demon woke.

  10. The weather calmed down. They nervously looked at their watches, mentally going over the facts, figures, and calculations. Surely this will work. It has to work, so they believed. The theory was strong, but the mechanics have been untested. Until today. Trinity came to life at 5:29:45. A demon woke.

  11. today i had on sunglasses and i went to the cafe to buy a large ice coffee with soy milk and i glared at the cashier the entire time even while he looked at my ‘mineral’ shirt and smiled
    i did it because i had on sunglasses and i could, and it felt good a little

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