
An Important Safety Tip – from Jodi

Kids, if you are planning to wear some platform mules that are already kinda slippery on your feet, you might want to take it easy on the after shower body lotion. Otherwise, your feet may slide off the shoe, causing you to do that twisty ankle tripping thing, and you’ll be forced to use your head, with assistance from the wall, to break the fall because most likely your hands are full, but you’ll probably end up dropping anything anyway. At the very least, you’ll look like a spaz.


7 thoughts on “An Important Safety Tip – from Jodi

  1. Add to that the warm temps we’re headed back into and you’re as doomed as doomed can be…or so I’ve heard, I myself am a graceful ballerina so I know not what you speak.

  2. A similar thing happened to me in the 70’s (I was 9 and wearing platform sandals)… only I fell on our stereo speakers and almost sliced my earlobe off… I can still see that bright red blood on my bright yellow turtleneck sweater… so add running to the things not to do in platform shoes…
    (aside – I get a little anxious in the presence of platform heels even to this day, and no I have not worn any since)

  3. Duct Tape.. you should have used duct tape.. that would have kept your feet from sliding out of the shoes.. it might have looked a little funny, and been a fashion no-no…but.. there would have been no sliding (at least, if you used enough tape there wouldn’t be any sliding!)

  4. Jodi says:

    i should just crawl everywhere, actually. keep my center of gravity closer to the ground. it would be for the best.

  5. you don’t need to crawl. just get one of those sedan chairs and a couple of beefy cabana boys to carry it and you around everywhere. that doesn’t really cover short distances, but i’m sure the beefy cabana boys can improvise something. 🙂

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