
Then and Now: Episode Five

So, a couple of weeks ago, we featured Phil Collin’s heartbreaking story of love and loss and crap like that. I believe I mentioned that that song never really did it for me, and, back then, I would have turned to Depeche Mode, if my heart was breaking. Back in the mid 80’s, this song was the song of romantic love. At least if you were a teenager. I’m pretty sure that I remember transcribing the lyrics into a notebook, so I could further absorb the passionate longing. My favorite part, comes at the end:

“Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I’ll get away with it”

So put your best moony face on and enjoy.

Somebody – Depeche Mode

For the Masses,” a Depeche Mode tribute album was released in 1998. But I had totally forgotten about that. I just happened to trip over Veruca Salt covering “Somebody” while browsing around. It makes sense to me that a woman should sing this song, since it meant so much to the girls back in the day. And there is cello! You know how I love the cello*.
Somebody – Veruca Salt

*a lot, in case you don’t know.


7 thoughts on “Then and Now: Episode Five

  1. Not sure what it means about me, but this meant a lot to me back in the day as well. I distinctly remember listening to this over and over on vinyl (my college roomate had a killer turntable setup)…
    To be fair, the one night I really remember it was a night that I ended up pulling an all nighter rewiring a circuit board, but hey, maybe it was telling me my focus was all wrong….

  2. i like veruca salt. and i love the cello. did you ever watch la femme nikita where michael was so distrought he played the cello?!
    hauntingly beautiful. i miss that show.

  3. Marie says:

    I had no idea there even was a cover of that song – cool!
    Hey! Cello! You still taking lessons?

  4. I gotta go with Jack on this one the Veruca Salt one is better.
    On a completly unrelated note… I just noticed that you were ecto’s site of the week waaaaay back in June ( I don’t actually look at the ecto site normally..) Congratulations (very, very, very, belated congratulations)

  5. Man, talk about a bittersweet flashback. Back in 1990 my girlfriend at the time gave me Depeche Mode’s “Somebody” on a mixtape (kids, ask your parents or consult your local library for more information on cassette culture).
    I was never quite certain if she was telling me how she felt or–because the song is from a man’s perspective–how I should feel about her. Either way, I’m sure she had only the best intentions. Okay, now I’ve shared too much.
    By the way, for my money no romantic mixtape was complete without XTC’s “Earn Enough for Us” or R.E.M.’s “Perfect Circle.”

  6. Jodi says:

    Now I am like thisclose to making a mixed tape of music only from my first 20 years of life. And on a cd. Because I don’t play cassettes any more.
    Marie, I have not played the cello in a few years. I had to put it down for a few months due to some surgery, and never picked it back up again. I still have it. I look at it longingly, and then remember how crap I was at it.

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