50 Word Fictions

50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 60

The garbage men were sarcastic and rude to me today. And I was left with no sassy comeback, after a frustrating hour in traffic. Nothing is more frustrating than a missed opportunity of sassiness. So the theme is rudeness.

Also, I would just like to thank Jack for playing along with me each and every week. Even if I forget for a while, next time I play FiWoFic, Jack is there to play along. Thanks, Jack!

What The Encounter With The Garbage Men Would Have Been Like if I Were My WoW Character.

“You know, just a reminder, there ARE two entrances to this building,” said the burly sanitation engineer. His obviously pea-brained buddy laughed.

Her tiger took care of the sidekick, while she aimed her bow at the first.

“You know, just a reminder, nobody likes a smart aleck.”

