
Bad brains

I had quite the migraine last night. Worst I’ve had in a while.

I tried all the tricks. I tried ice. I tried drinking glasses of water in case there was an issue of dehydration occurring. I tried excedrin. I tried tylenol. I tried taking a shower. Which works, but only for about 20 minutes. The secret is, you have to make yourself fall asleep right after you get out. That was where I failed. I couldn’t go to sleep.

I tried and tried to sleep. I was nauseous and shaky, all the migraine fun. I was a sad pathetic sight, all curled up alå the fetus, whimpering. So I tried crying, because my insane headache logic told me that would somehow crying would lesson the pressure in my head. A particularly loud siren woke Wil up, but he refused my request to chop off my head. He said he lacked the proper tools. His suggested snuggling, so I curled up tight against him.

Now, I don’t know if you know this, but the best headache soother in the world is a purring cat. The trick is, you have to get the cat to lie on, or around, your head. That’s tricky. When Pru was a young cat, she used to love to sleep on my head. Which is how I know this works so well.

Wil fell back asleep almost instantly, and was making soft snoring noises. From my vantage point, it sounded rumbly. I wrapped my arms tight around him and squished my head against his back.

Maybe I finally achieved the necessary saturation point of tylenol in my blood stream. Maybe my crying had actually reduced the pressure in my head. Or maybe I have discovered the human equivalent of Cat Purr Therapy, but darned if it didn’t help. It didn’t get rid of my headache by any means, but it gave me a bit of relief. I was able to loosen my hold and move my head back to my own pillow. But I stuck pretty close for the rest of the night.

I’m officially adding “snuggle my sleeping husband” to my list of headache treatments. It might be my favorite.


5 thoughts on “Bad brains

  1. perry says:

    I find snuggling works great with fevers and chills, cools or heats as the case may require. The only time I can’t reeally cope with it is when I have a snuffed up head. It makes me feel clausto

  2. perry says:

    I find snuggling works great with fevers and chills, cools or heats as the case may require. The only time I can’t really cope with it is when I have a snuffed up head. It makes me feel clausto.

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