
Overheard on the SkyTrain two days ago.

“Dude, it’s totally going to be 420 in twoOOOoooOOoo days.”


Dude, we totally should have gotten married in April instead of July. Cuz then we’d be married on 420! Heh-heh-heh-heh. (distinctive pot smoker laugh) And like, for our first anniversary, we could have gotten each other rolling papers, right? Cuz the traditional first anniversary present is supposed to be paper or something. I think. I used to work at Hallmark, I should know this shit.

But we didn’t. So today we are only at the 9 month mark. Which means Wil has finally figured out we didn’t HAVE to get married. Sure pulled a fast on him, eh?

Since there is no such thing as a 9 month anniversary, I bought myself a present, a flash drive, which I had been wanting for a while. Had to have it. Had to.



5 thoughts on “Overheard on the SkyTrain two days ago.

  1. Tara says:

    Good lord. Rolling papers. That’s brilliant. 🙂
    When I was married I went all over the place looking for a cigar journal. I don’t actually remember what I ended up giving him…whoopsie.
    Enjoy your anniversary present! 🙂

  2. Tara says:

    Good lord. Rolling papers. That’s bloody brilliant.
    When I was married I ran all over town looking for a cigar journal because it was the only paper thing that came to mind. I don’t even remember what I ended up giving him. Whoopsie.
    Enjoy your “anniversary” present. 🙂

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