
Merry Widow

Well, there we were last night, with a surprising number of people. 98% of them male. I saw one GF type person leave with her BF, he was carrying a special edition box of GTA 4. She had the look of “chauffeur” about her. I imagine this was tat for some mall shopping companionship tit from the recent past. And I saw a mom type lady from far back towards the end of the line.

We pulled in at 11, and then walked over to the Timothy Horton’s for coffee. When we pulled in, there were two people sitting by the door. By 11:15, there were about 14, so Wil got in line. I stayed in the car until about 11:45. It’s a good thing he got in line, because by the time I joined him, it went around the building. It’s not that we wouldn’t get a copy. We were guaranteed a copy since I pre-ordered a special edition copy for his birthday weeks ago. (It was from the kittens) It was just a matter of how long we had to wait once the store opened. They were only letting 10 people in at a time. It’s a rather small store, that EB games.

Like I said, it was mostly guys in line. Boys… guys… men…. all shapes and sizes and ages, and all obsessed. I had no doubt the second Wil joined the line he would have someone to talk to. They were all buzzing with excitement. There was a dad type fellow who was there with a kid, no older than 8. (Didn’t that kid have to go to school this morning? That’s all I want to know. ) The kid apparently knew a couple of guys in line behind us, and spent most of the time back there, filling their heads with random facts.

“Did you know that Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, but Madonna’s kids are worth more.”

He also implied that he’d seen both American History X and Porky’s, to which both gentlemen professed some degree of distress. I have to admit, when he started talking about Porky’s, I might have gasped a little. This kid was young.

Apparently it was all too much for the boys in line, that last ten minutes. The Dad started utilizing the Kid to trick the EB lady in opening the door early. The kid was all over this task. He was begging, pleading, professing a wicked need to pee. But to no avail. Finally the kid slapped the door and shouted “You’re mean!” A collected gasp was heard through out the line. The dad sent him back to the two guys behind us, while everyone said “Whoa, dude… you took it too far.”

This is Canada after all.


2 thoughts on “Merry Widow

  1. Samey same here in the States – gamers are so predictable….oops, I was one once. Do you have any hobbies you can pass die furchtbar langeweile mit, whilst your ghostly hubby vanishes into the game?

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