
You stand on the brink of greatness. The world will open to you like an oyster. No… not like an oyster. The world will open to you like a magnificent vagina.

You know how you sometimes see certain images, and you say to yourself “my but that certainly is phallic!”? I had an experience like that this morning, here at work. But with a more feminine slant. There was an image on our intranet, a sort of internal design … and my first thought was to turn to Dr. Stevil and say, “Steve, what does that look like to you?” But then I realized… how would Dr. Stevil know what one of those looked like? [Dr. Stevil is gay, kids… in case that has not been made clear in the past.] However, Dr. Stevil said that his first thought, when he saw the design, was “wow… Georgia O’Keefe would be proud.” Once we became open about our feelings, re: the design on the front page of our internal website, Dr. Stevil, Evildeb and I enjoyed a prolonged gigglefest. Followed by a seriously inappropriate discussion.
And out of that discussion, Dr. Stevil told me this story. They now have, on his softball team, a GIRL!! I didn’t know they allowed girls on their team, but I guess they do. Anyway, they had a team fund raiser the other day, at some bar, and this girl donned a leather bustier and carried a paddle. She went around the bar and sold spankings! And she made $150!! BRILLIANT!! At a buck a spank, I’m guessing several people took more than one for the team. But that’s not the point… do you think I could wear a leather bustier and sell spankings in bars? That would be an awesome second job, doncha think? I wonder if it’s legal?


2 thoughts on “You stand on the brink of greatness. The world will open to you like an oyster. No… not like an oyster. The world will open to you like a magnificent vagina.

  1. jodi says:

    that would allow strangers to violate my personal dance space, and i am not comfortable with that. better i go with the spankings.

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