
Who do you have to FUCK to get a hot dog in this dump?

Let’s not talk about the cleaning. No, wait, one little thing… after all that, no one showed up to inspect my apartment. NO ONE. I even stayed up all night, Sunday night, except a two hour period when I passed out in exhaustion on the not yet cleaned kitchen floor, from midnight to 2 am. Look, I was home yesterday, hiding in my not even cleaned up bedroom. NO ONE CAME. Bastards.
But that’s it with the cleaning. It’s time for only interesting and fun things to happen now. Except, they aren’t. I’m truly disturbed with the lack of weird in my life right now. My little brother may, or may not, come to visit me. The other day, his friends were hassled, in their home, by the FBI. Because they might be terrorists. Josh thinks it’s because they are active political protesters. I think it’s because they are vegan. I shouldn’t joke tho, it freaked them all out and it wasn’t cool. [seriously, tho, if they had been been all sitting around, eating real meat hot dogs, they FBI would have just looked at them and thought, “no way… so they protest… that’s their RIGHT as Americans! Look at these kids, they are eating hot dogs! Hey, I know… let’s see if they want to play a game of catch with us! I just love summertime! You kids have popsicles?”]
I, however, do not love summertime. It was recording breaking hot up here in Seattle. Freakishly hot. 95.. 96 degrees on Friday and Saturday. And, since my apartment did not cool down over Friday night, and it was actually hotter in my apartment than outside Saturday afternoon, I figure it got up to at least 100 in my home. That just sucks. Why can’t it be October?


5 thoughts on “Who do you have to FUCK to get a hot dog in this dump?

  1. arifa says:

    that is so messed up about your brother. i keep hearing stories like that. it’s almost enough to make me want to start checking out books and buying stuff just to make myself look suspicious so i can bring up some violation of privacy thing… but i’m guessing it’s pretty hard to do that from gitmo, which is probably where i’d end up. what ever happened to freedom of speech?!?!? right to assembly??? gargh!!!

  2. yer brother says:

    I think tomorrow afternoon I’m just going to flip a coin and pick a direction to go. I’m also waiting for emails back on my last couple of ride options. ::Sigh::

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